News & Blog

Sunscreen isn't the only way to protect your skin from the sun

When we talk about sun protection, sunscreen is a crucial step in protecting our skin from harmful UV rays. However, there are also ways to keep your skin looking beautiful, both before and after exposure to the sun. In this article, we'd like to give you a few tips to put into practice, especially in summer.

Do you have blemished skin ? What if you were wrong about what to offer your skin ?

Do you have blemished skin ? What if you were wrong about what to offer your skin ?

The secrets behind our purifying and soothing solid mask

The secret of our products' effectiveness! Handcrafted... In our quest for natural, committed beauty, there's nothing better than making our own handmade cosmetics. In this article, we reveal the secrets behind our brand-new organic clay & chamomile mask, made with love and craftsmanship.

12 mai , 2023

Daisy oil : How do we use it to care for your eye area ?

The eye contour is one of the most sensitive areas of the face, where signs of aging and fatigue are often the most visible. To remedy this, many people are looking for natural solutions to take care of this part of the face...

Making our Calendula soap

Go behind the scenes of the making of our calendula soap!